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Congressman Lamar Smith: National Security is Number One

Dear Friends,

Like you, I was deeply saddened by the terrorist attacks in Brussels. We mourn with the people of Brussels and we strengthen our resolve to stand boldly with them against the forces of evil responsible for these acts of terrorism. My thoughts are also with all of our men and women in uniform now engaged in Iraq and Syria.

Recently, I asked you to share your priorities with me. There is a reason national security was the top response.

It is imperative that we do everything in our power to secure the homeland against threats.The extremists of the Islamic State have shown time and again they have no regard for human life or the rule of law. The brutal murders of multiple Americans and civilians from across the world show what these terrorists will do. This is pure evil. We must defeat the terrorists who call themselves the Islamic State.

It is clear that the president has greatly underestimated ISIS, just as he underestimated that terrorist groups would be emboldened by his removal of U.S. forces from Iraq.

The president continues to affirm his resolve to defeat the Islamic State and groups with ties to Al Qaeda who have plotted against the U.S. and our allies. However, actions speak louder than words and we must hold the president to his commitment to defeat ISIS.

I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure the safety and security of Americans.

For more information on my work or to send me an email, please visit the 21st District’s website, www.lamarsmith.house.gov.

With Best Regards,

Lamar Smith
Member of Congress

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