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Tomorrow: Unique ‘Frida’ Screening On Sunday

On Sunday, March 20th at 8 PM, the Cinema Club will offer a free showing of FRIDA in the oft graffiti-packed walls behind the popular fair-trade coffee grinder on LBJ Street.


The idea for the screening stemmed from Mary Van Zant of Redbud Roasters, who reached out to Cinema Club upon learning the scrappy film society would feature films throughout March to celebrate the invaluable contributions of women in film-making.


A fan of director Julie Taymor, Van Zant approached Cinema Club to suggest the 2002 film starring Salma Hayek; it shadows Marxist-lensed experimentations with sexuality and faithfulness by bohemian Mexican artist duo Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.


The Floral Studio — the locally-owned florist on Hopkins Street — has kindly agreed to supply fresh flowers to adorn attendees’ hairdos.  Cinema Club member & Floral Studio employee Michelle Lombardo will aid in application of the flowers — first-come, first-served — to the film’s early-comers.


The FRIDA screening is free and open to the public; moviegoers are encouraged to bring a blanket or chair to sit on.

– See more at: https://smcorridornews.com/news/2860/tomorrow-unique-frida-screening-on-sunday.html#sthash.6smdfgeX.dpuf

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