San Marcos City Council To Hold Public Hearing, Discuss Juvenile Curfew And More Wednesday Night
By Terra Rivers | Managing Editor
The San Marcos City Council will hold their regular meeting Wednesday night.
Councilmembers are slated to receive a public hearing and consider reestablishing the juvenile curfew for minors previously established by Ordinance 2009-28 and subsequently extended by Ordinance 2012-16.
According to the agenda, Section 307.02 of the Texas Government Code requires that home-rule cities, which have established a juvenile curfew conduct periodic reviews of the ordinance to determine whether or not the ordinance should be continued.
The reviews are required before every third anniversary of the most effective date of the ordinance.
The agenda states the ordinance was not placed on the agenda before the deadline expired, and thus, the city must hold the required public hearings as well as conduct the required review of the ordinance and allow council to determine whether to reestablish the curfew or not.
If the council does not pass the ordinance, the juvenile curfew will remain unenforceable.
The most recent juvenile curfew ordinance was passed in April 2015 after original adoption and consecutive renewals since August 1994.
Failure to review the ordinance before April 2019 resulted in the ordinance’s expiration.
According to a memo from City Manager Bert Lumbreras to council, San Marcos Police officers wrote 21 juvenile curfew citations in 2015/2016, 31 citations in 2016/2017 and 38 citations in 2017/2018.
In other news, council will hold a public hearing regarding the di-annexation of approximately 235 acres of land known as Windemere Ranch and the establishment of a demolition review process.
Council will convene at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, November 6, in the City Council Chambers at San Marcos City Hall.
For more information on this meeting visit https://smcorridornews.com/your-local-government-meetings-information-for-hays-county-school-districts-cities-2/.