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Celebrate The 32nd LWV-Hays County Annual Texas Wine & Beer Tasting

Corridor staff

Join the Hays County League of Women Voters to celebrate their 32nd annual Texas Wine & Beer Tasting fundraising event. This local annual fundraiser will feature a variety of Texas wines and beers and a silent auction featuring themed baskets as well as gift certificates for local goods and services.

This year’s event will be held at the Holiday Inn Convention Center, located at 501 Bintu Dr. on Thursday, January 30th from 5:30 to 7:30p.m.

Put this great local annual event on your calendar!

The League will feature the Winery on the Gruene and will highlight their special Shiraz, Chianti, Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay.

Beer lovers will find craft beers which will include Blonde and Apricot from AquaBrew and Pecan and Easy Rider from Middleton Brewery and after several special requests, the League will also offer Texas non-alcoholic wine and beer for your tasting.

Funds from this special annual event support LWV-Hays County projects. The League is well-known for the Voters Guides that are distributed throughout Hays County.

Tickets for the event are $20 and can be purchased from a League member, at the door on the night of the event, or online by visiting the website at www.lwvhaysco.com.

It’s not often that an organization gets to celebrate a 100th Anniversary! This year the League of Women Voters-US is proud to do just that.

Born out of the women’s suffrage movement of the early 1900s, the League of Women Voters was formed in 1920 to continue their work: educating, supporting and protecting voter’s rights in Texas.

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