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How Much Would Mom Earn Doing What She Does Everyday With Love?


The coronavirus pandemic may leave many people at home this Mother’s Day, but while people may not be able to spend the day with their mothers, it doesn’t mean the national day dedicated to celebrating moms won’t go unnoticed. 

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, mothers have been celebrated for as long as there have been mothers whether it was through festivals or simply spending time with them. 

For those who may have lost their mothers in years ago or even recently, mother’s day can be a hard day to get through.

But whether mom is with their loved ones or not, mother’s day remains the day to remember and celebrate as well as thank her for everything she is done.

Even if it’s by simply buying a bouquet of flowers to sit next to her photograph on the table.

After all, moms have one of the toughest jobs in the world: raising their kids to one day let them go.

Moms are known to be great multitaskers. During these unique times, when schools are closed and play dates and babysitters are not allowed, moms, more than ever, are stepping up their multitasking game to create normalcy for their children.

This Mother’s Day, we honor all moms and show that we have a stat for that! Here’s a quick look at wages for some of the occupations moms do for free.

Moms are administrative services and facilities managers, who make sure the entire household runs like a well-oiled machine. The national average wage for this occupation was $106,550 in May 2019.

These days, moms are often teachers. The national average wage for preschool teachers in May 2019 was $34,650 per year. The average wage for secondary school teachers was $65,930, similar to the wages for elementary school teachers ($63,930) and middle school teachers ($63,550). And if moms have to spend extra time explaining that algebra equation to their teenagers, they’re also tutors. Tutors and teachers and instructors earned on average $48,700 per year.

Moms sometimes are precision instrument and equipment repairers, making sure everyone’s electronic devices are working properly for online schooling, gaming, and video streaming. The average wage for this occupation was $59,940.

Source: Salary.com

When organizing arts and crafts activities, moms are recreational workers! The national average wage for this occupation was $29,330. Moms sometimes are carpenters (average wage $52,850), repairing a cabinet or stairway, or helping kids build something with wood. Moms are also painters (average wage $44,640), decorating kids’ rooms in their favorite colors.

Since many hair salons are also closed, moms might cut and style their children’s hair; hairdressers and hairstylists earned on average $31,530. Cleaning the house after those activities, disinfecting everything little fingers touch—maids and housekeeping cleaners earned on average $26,810.

Moms cook! The national average wage for chefs and head cooks was $56,310. However, moms don’t always have the time to prepare a gourmet meal. Fast-food cooks earned on average $23,530. Kids don’t always get the meal from the stove to their plates on their own, so moms also serve food.

Waiters and waitresses earned on average $26,800. Keeping the kitchen clean, washing the dishes, and cleaning the appliances—there’s an occupation for that, too! Dishwashers earned on average $24,410 per year. And at the end of the day, moms sometimes pour themselves a glass of wine. Bartenders earned on average $28,000.

Moms do many very important jobs at home every day. These are just some examples that capture some of moms’ busy and varied activities, that she does everyday with love.




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