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Living Outside The Lines: “Fashion, Footwear, And Just A Touch Of Vanity”

by, Becky J Miller


Shoes, shoes, and more shoes; how can one ever possess enough footwear???  I am absolutely convinced it is not humanly possible to own THE PERFECT shoe for every outfit/occasion. However, since I am no quitter, I have made it my life’s goal to do just that, acquire THE PERFECT shoe for every outfit/occasion. Trust me when I say, I am well on my way!


My husband and I just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. Originally we planned a trip to San Francisco to run the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon, but the demands of grad school (his) dictated that we put a getaway on hold. Hopefully this summer we will belatedly celebrate on the beaches of Montenegro.


In the meantime though, we could not let the day pass without some type of celebration, so we made a quick escape to Austin for the night. I was not without a sufficient selection of shoes for the occasion; four pairs, not including the ones I wore travelling, made it into the suitcase for the overnight trip.


Normally during my down time, I traipse about in running shorts, a race t-shirt, and either tennis shoes or Converse/Vans.  This trip was for a special occasion though, so I wanted to bring my A-game. I packed khaki shorts, a cute top, and matching bejeweled sandals. Our plans included a visit to the mall, so my shoes were selected with that destination in mind.


Procuring gourmet cupcakes was on my list of things to do while in Austin.  There just happened to be a cupcake bakery near our hotel, and by near I mean three miles, one way. Perfect, right?? Yes, except that the diet/exercise conscious part of my brain decided that the only way to consume a gourmet cupcake without guilt was to travel on foot.


The cupcake travelling plans were not decided until after I had already showered and dressed in the cute, “let’s go shopping” outfit. When my husband asked if I planned to walk in my sandals replied, ‘Well, yeah.”


Rarely a day passes that I do not exercise, so my running shoes were in the suitcase. I’d already worn them earlier that morning jogging around Town Lake.  In Becky’s Rules of Fashion though, running shoes can never be paired with khaki shorts and a summer blouse. Heidi Klum would be appalled, gasp!


Needless to say, my feet are no longer speaking to me and have threatened secession should I continue to treat them so poorly. I shall spare you the pictures, but trust me on this; they are red, swollen, blistered and quite sore.


On a positive note, the lemon cupcake was fabulous and worth every step I took to make it my own. I would like to say I learned my lesson, but I don’t like to lie. I would like to think that next time I will wear the appropriate shoes, but truthfully when it comes to fashion, vanity always wins over logic or reason.


So, I implore you, next time you are faced with a fashion dilemma of this magnitude, please do as I say and not as I do; make wise choices with your footwear. Your feet will thank you, and I promise I’ll try really hard not to judge you for your crimes of fashion.


Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”


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