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Discovery Center Offers First Online Native Plant Sale

On Saturday, the San Marcos Discovery Center opened its brand-new online store to the public and offering curbside plant pickup to all customers.

Customers may schedule plant pickups weekly from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday at the Discovery Center, 430 Riverside Drive. The sale will run for a limited amount of time, likely wrapping up in June.

“Spring is a great time to plant more natives and the Discovery Center wants to help people connect with nature while at home,” said Conrad Chappell, Discovery Center Specialist.

The online store has a wide variety of plants for sale, including trees, grasses, milkweed, and herbs. Plants are priced according to the size of the pot, starting at $2.50 for a four-inch pot.

“By growing these plants in their yards or at their businesses, our customers are sustaining pollinators, conserving water, and providing habitats to birds and other species,” said Chappell. “We have curated our inventory and kept it as affordable as possible to help nurture a healthy, diverse ecosystem in our region.”

Visitors may also purchase a shirt or choose to donate to the partnership-based San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District monarch butterfly waystations.

For more information, contact cchappell@sanmarcostx.gov. For media inquiries, contact communicationsinfo@sanmarcostx.gov.

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