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Speeders Beware in Kyle, Enhanced Patrols on I-35

Kyle, TX – Speeders along Interstate-35, beware. Officers from the Kyle Police Department will conduct an enhanced patrol on May 16 along I-35 including the access roads.


Under a grant by the Texas Department of Safety, KPD will have additional officers on duty checking for speeders on the interstate and access roads in Kyle.


“We encourage drivers to slow down and drive safely,” Lt. Andre Marmolejo said. “More enforcement along the highway will help drive that message home.”


Several major accidents in recent months were related to drivers going too fast on the highway, according to the lieutenant.


He said the department will have more officers patrolling the I-35 corridor that day checking for speeders. They will also check for aggressive and unsafe driving.

“We are giving everyone a heads up because we want you to slow down,” Marmolejo said.

“Check your speed and remember to always drive safe.”

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