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LBJ Museum Announces Debby Butler As New Manager

The Lyndon Baines Johnson Museum of San Marcos has welcomed Debra (Debby) Butler of Luling as its new museum manager.

Ms. Butler is an event planner, former small business owner, and experienced manager who is working with the museum board to plan the reopening of the museum later this fall. The museum has been closed since the spring due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

Debra (Debby) Butler, the new manager for the Lyndon Baines Johnson Museum of San Marcos, TX.

Her experience includes work for Bell & Assoc. Realty in Luling, co-owner of Magnolia T’s and More, facility manager of the Gordon Ranch, owner of Meeting and Event Connections, and manager of corporate and group sales for the George Ranch Historical Park in Richmond, TX.

The LBJ Museum, located at 131 N. Guadalupe Street in San Marcos, features historic exhibits and events that honor the local roots of President Lyndon Baines Johnson.

President Johnson attended Southwest Texas Teachers College from 1927-1930 in San Marcos.

“We are delighted that Debby has joined our organization and look forward to reopening soon,” said Neill Hadder, President of the LBJ Museum Board. The LBJ Museum is undergoing a thorough cleaning after which it will reopen. The museum has meeting spaces available to rent and is planning on-site and online virtual events soon.

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One Comment

  1. dug up a photo last week of me as a five year old on a pony in front of one of the walk-in coolers at the LBJ ranch, was too young to realize that malcolm wallace even then could have been hiding his latest victim there in the meat locker for my extended family “uncle” who could screw with my young mind simply by stooping down and looking at me in the eyes, oh please do tell us of this latest manager for the saint johnson clique and no, cant drink to those memories without making them worse……oh kamala honey, this one’s got your name on the door! ….sobriety sucks.

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