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AGE of Central Texas hosts free virtual “Caregiver Training Camp” conference

AGE of Central Texas will host the free virtual caregiver support conference “Caregiver Training Camp” from March 30th through April 2nd. Designed to help first-time, unpaid family members effectively care for an older adult, the free conference sessions will be presented daily from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm.

The conference is a joint effort between regional non-profit organization AGE of Central Texas and the Williamson County EMS Community Health Paramedic program, which partnered last year to help reduce repeat calls and prevents falls with older adults in the rural areas of Williamson County.

AGE provides the Williamson County EMS Community Health Paramedic program with donated durable medical equipment to take on emergency calls – such as walkers, wheelchairs, and other mobility and safety devices – to be given to older adults who are at risk of falls or need assistive equipment to remain safe within their homes.

The conference will assist first-time caregivers – and in particular, those living in rural areas of Central Texas – to better manage the dynamics of their new caregiving role has been an outgrown of the partnership.

The “Caregiver Training Camp” will launch on Tuesday, March 30th, with the first session, “I’m a Caregiver, Now What?!”

CaregiverU Program Associate Lori Hill will discuss useful information about what to do early on in the caregiving journey, the importance of self-care, and the different options available for respite care.

In the second session on March 31st, Lina Supnet-Zapata – Executive Director/Managing Partner for MIR Care Consultants, Inc. – will address “Tackling Medical Issues,” discussing medication management, what to do in the event of an older adult’s hospitalization, and how to effectively provide home-based health care.

The third session on April 1st will feature Dr. Amy Walters – Assistant Professor and Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at the St. Augustine University – demonstrating “Preventing Falls and Caregiver Safety.”

According to a recent AARP study, half of American family caregivers are performing medical tasks they are not trained to do, and they are carrying a heavier burden than caregivers who are not taking on those responsibilities.

This session will address how to utilize mobile devices and assist an older adult with limited movement.

The final session on April 2nd will address “The Caregiver Playbook.” AGE of Central Texas experts will discuss how to find and access area resources, creating a community of support, and answer attendee’s specific caregiving questions.

Registration for the conference is free, but space is limited. Participants can register by calling (512) 600-9275, or online at http://www.TinyURL.com/AGEcamp2021.

For more information on the programs and resources provided by AGE of Central Texas, visit www.AGEofCentralTX.org or call (512) 451-4611.

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