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State Reps. Zwiener, Landgraf, Johnson, Holland receive COVID-19 vaccine, encourage all Texans to get vaccinated 

Austin, TX — This week Representatives Erin Zwiener (D-Driftwood), Brooks Landgraf (R-Odessa), Jarvis Johnson (D-Houston), and Justin Holland (R-Rockwall) teamed up to get vaccinated against COVID-19 now that all Texans are eligible to receive the vaccine.

This bipartisan group of Texas Legislators is ready to do their part in protecting themselves and others against COVID-19. 

“Every eligible Texan should get the vaccine when they are able and willing,” said Rep. Holland.  “We need to get folks back to work, get our kids fully back in school face-to-face with teachers, and protect our most vulnerable. I was glad to do my part.”

All Texans over the age of 16 are now eligible for the vaccine, and vaccine availability is improving around the state.

Much like mask wearing and hand washing, vaccinations are an essential part of combatting the coronavirus. COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are declining, and each administered vaccine is one step closer to getting back to normal.

“Call your doctor, check your local pharmacies, and sign up for hubs in your area,” said Rep. Johnson. “Texas is receiving more vaccines every week, so everyone who wants one should be able to get an appointment soon.”

To find vaccine locations in your area, check meds.TDEM.Texas.gov.

“Beating COVID-19 isn’t a red or blue issue,” said Rep. Zwiener. “I’m so grateful to the medical researchers who developed these safe and effective vaccines, to the teams getting them out into our communities, and to my colleagues for helping get the word out across Texas.”

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  1. May want to wear the mask correctly for the photo op. It should cover your nose. Just saying….

  2. Why? So you can blow it out the sides and let it drift through the air. Pretty sure most people’s nostrils (and certainly his) point downward. That means with each exhale he is sending the baddies to the floor. Then gravity takes over.

    Response: Blah, blah, blah, Wind, blah, blah, blah.

    Retort: They are in doors. There isn’t any wind. Just AC that is most likely to pick up stuff FLOATING through the air.

  3. The statement was not “Why” the statement was an observation with a suggestion of now NOT to engage in a performative contradiction. It was not a cue for you to make another comment Mr. Holeman. It was simply an observation. Pretty sure the people standing next to each other are closer in proximity to each others face than the floor. Another observation. Not a cue for you to engage in a debate. I “get it” not covering the nose. It is very difficult to breath “masked up.” And, I wear a simple old school bandanna. And, yet Im not posing in a photo opt for a vaccine.

    1. How dare you insult Pope Holeman the 22nd ?
      He is ordained self-righteous and 12 times hungrier for recognition than yourself.
      Don’t argue with him, If you want respect, simply admit you’re wrong.

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