Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons activate on East Hopkins
Staff Reports
SAN MARCOS — Two new pedestrian hybrid beacons are now operational on East Hopkins Street. The beacons were installed as part of the City’s East Hopkins Bike and Pedestrian Improvement Project, which broadened sidewalks to 10 feet wide, added pedestrian lighting, and improved traffic movements at the intersection of Charles Austin Drive.
The flashing beacons allow pedestrians to cross East Hopkins Street at two new locations to access City Park, the Activity Center, the San Marcos Public Library, and City Hall. Once activated by a pedestrian, the beacons will flash yellow to alert motorists to the activation. The beacons will then turn red, indicating that drivers should stop as they do at a red light. When the beacons flash red, drivers should stop before proceeding if the crossing is clear. An informational video about pedestrian hybrid beacons may be viewed here.
The $2.2 million project was paid for by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO). The City contributed approximately $250,000 toward project costs.
For more information about the East Hopkins Bike and Pedestrian Improvement Project contact the City of San Marcos Engineering & Capital Improvements Department at 512.393.8130 or visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/CIProjects.