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Public Invited to Participate in Vision SMTX Virtual Survey

Staff Reports

The City of San Marcos invites the public to participate in a virtual survey to provide input on the Vision SMTX comprehensive plan rewrite project. The interactive virtual survey is available now through October 4.

The virtual survey is offered in both English and Spanish and includes information and activities provided during an in-person community meeting. Participants may also provide their email address at the end of the survey for a chance to win a $50 HEB gift card.

“We invite you to participate in the virtual survey to help plan for future generations in San Marcos on topics such as housing, transportation, arts and culture, or parks, and help manage our future growth,” said Planning Manager Andrea Villalobos.

Hard copies of the survey are available for pickup in the Planning and Development Services Department. Copies may be obtained by emailing planninginfo@sanmarcostx.gov, calling 512.393.8230, or visiting 630 E Hopkins Street.

The City recently hosted a series of public events about Vision SMTX including a community meeting on September 15, a City Council lunch and learn on September 16, and a pop-up public input booth at the San Marcos Farmers Market on September 18.

More details about the Vision SMTX comprehensive plan rewrite project may be found online at www.visionsmtx.com. For media inquiries, contact communicationsinfo@sanmarcostx.gov.

About Vision SMTX: The City Council provided direction to rewrite the City’s current comprehensive plan, Vision San Marcos, originally adopted in 2013. This comprehensive plan rewrite project, known as Vision SMTX, will establish the goals and vision for the future of San Marcos for the next 20 years. Vision SMTX will create a visionary document that guides long-term decision-making for key components such as housing, the environment, economic development, transportation, and land use.

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