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Texas is 2021’s second most diverse state in America

Reprinted with permission from WalletHub

The American narrative is a story of diversity. Our history tells of many different peoples coming together from every walk of life to form what is today a complex tapestry of backgrounds. Our story will continue to advance that narrative in the decades to come. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that by 2045 the U.S. will no longer have a single ethnic majority, currently non-Hispanic whites, and will grow increasingly more diverse in the years to follow.

This year, racial inequality has continued to be a prominent issue, including high-profile trials regarding police brutality. But while discussions on race are important, U.S. diversity spans far more than just racial lines. The U.S. population reflects a mix of not just races and ethnicities but also cultures, religions, economic statuses, educational backgrounds and other characteristics. These groups come together in everyday life, influencing and experiencing one another. However, some elements of society aren’t as diverse as others. For example, there are only 41 women among the CEOs of fortune 500 companies, and around 84 percent of those companies’ board members are white (including men and women).

Some U.S. states promote diversity more than others. In order to determine where idea and identity exchanges have occurred at the highest level — and where the population is relatively more homogeneous — WalletHub compared the 50 states across six key diversity categories. For a more local perspective on America’s ever-expanding diversity, we also conducted our analysis at the city level.


Source: WalletHub

Most & Least Diverse States in the U.S.

Overall Rank State Total Score Socioeconomic Diversity Cultural Diversity Economic Diversity Household Diversity Religious Diversity Political Diversity
1 California 70.64 3 1 11 5 32 8
2 Texas 69.97 13 4 13 14 6 21
3 Hawaii 69.73 16 3 4 11 34 16
4 New Jersey 69.27 5 7 40 26 19 4
5 New York 69.14 8 8 37 6 21 6
6 New Mexico 69.10 40 6 5 4 22 36
7 Maryland 68.64 2 10 25 10 30 19
8 Florida 68.57 28 5 33 7 38 5
9 Nevada 68.43 29 2 43 2 45 11
10 Arizona 68.03 23 9 26 8 41 17
11 Illinois 67.96 12 12 38 23 7 2
12 Virginia 67.78 4 14 16 33 25 24
13 Georgia 67.67 19 13 14 9 16 35
14 Connecticut 67.12 6 15 45 28 27 7
15 Alaska 66.89 22 11 1 31 44 26
16 Delaware 66.44 14 17 41 18 35 29
17 Washington 66.41 10 16 15 35 43 9
18 Colorado 66.33 7 18 27 36 40 22
19 Massachusetts 66.26 1 19 50 23 33 2
20 North Carolina 66.21 26 21 28 22 26 32
21 Oklahoma 65.87 44 22 6 17 18 31
22 Rhode Island 65.60 11 20 49 11 36 1
23 South Carolina 65.30 35 23 21 13 14 41
24 Louisiana 65.27 46 25 12 3 3 44
25 Kansas 65.09 21 26 23 39 11 26
26 Nebraska 64.60 25 33 24 41 4 33
27 Oregon 64.55 20 24 20 29 48 23
28 Minnesota 64.39 15 36 44 44 5 15
29 Pennsylvania 64.29 24 32 47 32 10 13
30 Mississippi 64.24 49 27 10 1 14 47
31 Alabama 64.23 45 30 18 15 12 47
32 Tennessee 64.19 41 31 22 20 20 43
33 Arkansas 63.79 48 28 17 19 24 45
34 Idaho 63.42 43 35 7 48 13 45
35 South Dakota 63.40 39 42 8 43 2 50
36 Missouri 63.17 31 39 35 30 17 18
37 Michigan 63.13 32 34 48 25 31 10
38 North Dakota 63.11 27 43 9 49 1 38
39 Wisconsin 63.08 30 40 39 37 9 30
40 Indiana 62.86 38 37 46 27 29 20
41 Ohio 62.62 36 41 42 16 28 28
42 Iowa 62.62 33 45 31 45 8 11
43 Utah 62.36 18 29 30 50 49 49
44 Wyoming 62.24 37 38 2 47 37 40
45 Kentucky 61.82 47 46 29 21 23 39
46 Montana 61.71 42 44 3 46 39 42
47 New Hampshire 60.84 9 47 36 42 46 13
48 Vermont 60.42 17 48 34 40 47 34
49 Maine 58.91 34 49 32 38 50 25
50 West Virginia 58.59 50 50 19 34 42 37

Note: With the exception of “Total Score,” all of the columns in the table above depict the relative rank of that state, where a rank of 1 represents the most diversity.

2021 ethnoracial diversity by state

Detailed Findings

State Household-Income Diversity Educational-Attainment Diversity Racial & Ethnic Diversity Linguistic Diversity Birthplace Diversity Industry Diversity Occupational Diversity Worker-Class Diversity Marital-Status Diversity Generational Diversity Household-Type Diversity Household-Size Diversity Religious Diversity Political Diversity
Alabama 45 30 23 47 43 19 11 23 6 22 39 48 12 44
Alaska 4 47 13 18 5 26 20 1 34 48 16 4 44 2
Arizona 29 18 11 8 3 9 30 31 14 17 9 12 41 34
Arkansas 48 44 27 36 30 32 3 19 8 32 36 40 24 38
California 12 2 2 1 24 1 36 16 33 36 38 2 32 32
Colorado 3 8 24 16 4 5 45 28 38 38 33 10 40 27
Connecticut 11 7 21 13 19 45 47 35 28 8 25 20 27 22
Delaware 8 21 15 22 8 30 38 37 20 10 28 26 35 16
Florida 35 22 8 7 2 11 27 41 3 1 12 42 38 5
Georgia 31 13 9 21 16 4 28 30 16 44 30 14 16 25
Hawaii 7 27 1 9 13 17 23 4 36 2 47 3 34 4
Idaho 38 46 41 28 12 6 8 14 49 45 49 16 13 49
Illinois 15 11 12 11 38 22 34 47 30 24 20 18 7 19
Indiana 34 39 35 31 40 42 7 50 19 40 19 24 29 28
Iowa 24 48 45 33 44 31 14 28 43 34 34 35 8 6
Kansas 27 20 31 24 25 27 32 18 42 42 42 25 11 31
Kentucky 44 34 44 46 41 29 10 34 11 31 22 29 23 34
Louisiana 47 32 16 35 50 13 5 22 2 37 3 32 3 42
Maine 33 33 50 43 33 47 31 15 25 3 11 47 50 24
Maryland 10 4 5 15 9 35 49 5 26 25 37 9 30 16
Massachusetts 19 1 25 10 29 50 50 39 31 13 13 13 33 32
Michigan 32 35 29 30 49 44 19 49 21 18 10 28 31 11
Minnesota 6 23 38 23 39 37 40 45 47 33 41 19 5 13
Mississippi 50 41 18 49 47 33 1 9 1 39 15 39 14 28
Missouri 36 31 37 42 37 25 22 40 18 21 21 33 17 30
Montana 40 40 46 48 18 8 21 6 35 16 27 49 39 6
Nebraska 18 29 34 27 34 14 24 26 46 46 40 21 4 25
Nevada 23 36 3 6 1 41 6 44 5 27 1 8 45 20
New Hampshire 2 16 47 34 15 39 42 33 40 7 46 23 46 44
New Jersey 17 5 6 3 17 28 46 38 39 14 48 6 19 10
New Mexico 46 19 10 4 14 34 25 2 4 29 2 36 22 21
New York 26 3 7 5 35 46 44 20 23 11 5 11 21 9
North Carolina 39 15 17 25 21 21 29 32 17 26 29 31 26 16
North Dakota 13 45 43 44 32 23 16 10 48 47 8 43 1 48
Ohio 37 37 36 38 48 36 26 46 12 19 6 41 28 14
Oklahoma 43 38 19 29 28 2 9 11 10 41 24 22 18 23
Oregon 16 17 30 19 10 15 35 21 27 9 14 15 48 1
Pennsylvania 28 25 32 26 46 38 33 48 22 5 18 34 10 12
Rhode Island 20 10 26 12 23 48 39 42 13 6 4 27 36 47
South Carolina 42 26 20 40 22 16 12 25 7 15 26 45 15 44
South Dakota 30 43 40 41 36 12 15 8 44 43 35 44 2 41
Tennessee 41 28 28 39 27 18 13 24 15 23 31 30 20 37
Texas 22 9 4 2 26 3 17 27 29 49 43 5 6 39
Utah 1 24 33 20 31 10 37 36 50 50 50 1 49 39
Vermont 25 12 49 45 20 49 43 13 24 12 7 46 47 3
Virginia 9 6 14 17 11 20 48 7 32 28 45 17 25 14
Washington 5 14 22 14 7 7 41 17 37 30 32 7 43 6
West Virginia 49 49 48 50 42 43 4 12 9 4 23 50 42 43
Wisconsin 21 42 39 32 45 40 18 43 41 20 17 37 9 36
Wyoming 14 50 42 37 6 24 2 3 45 35 44 38 37 50

Note: All of the columns in the table above depict the relative rank of that state, where a rank of 1 represents the most diversity.


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