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Texas State University purchases $2.9 million house for new president

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

SAN MARCOS – Texas State University recently purchased a residence located at 103 W. Laurel Lane in San Marcos for $2.9 million to house the next president of the university.

Current Texas State University President Denise Trauth announced her retirement in August, and her replacement is expected to take over in the summer of 2022.

The $2.9 million property sits on 2.77 acres in the Spring Lake Hills neighborhood and is only a two-minute drive to the university. According to Zillow, the 5,000 sqft house has an estimated value of about $1.3 million and features 12-foot ceilings, two fireplaces, a gourmet kitchen and a pool cabana.

Currently, the President’s House resides on Texas State’s campus near the Student Recreation Center on Academy St. Although it is unclear how the current presidents house will be repurposed, the 2017-2027 University Master Plan proposed, “the relocation of the President’s House for future academic and research expansion.”

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  1. Wow! When you use tax payer dollars you can pay double what its worth. Some one made out like a bandit????

  2. Texas State University now owns over 138 properties around town
    amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars of tax base for which
    Hays County will never see one dime of tax revenue.

    All property purchased by Texas State University becomes immune to
    taxation the minute it’s purchased. And with each new property taken
    off the tax roles by Texas State, guess who makes up the difference ?

    Even better, every new piece of property purchased becomes annexed to
    the territorial jurisdiction of Texas State—a separate political subdivision.
    Not to worry though, all of their tax-free properties still receive our fire
    and police services, capital improvements and street maintenance, free of charge . .

    Imagine the City of Martindale buying up the City of San Marcos one piece
    at a time and converting it into their own municipality. Now stop imagining,
    and open your eyes. Beyond forcing you to pay their taxes, Texas State
    also indoctrinates your children with the value of gay anal alternatives, in
    addition to controlling and directing the agenda of your city council.

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