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Living Outside the Lines: Farewell to Summer

By, Becky J. Miller

Labor Day is upon us which means Summer is waving her sad farewell, and try as we might, she has slipped slowly through our grasp not to be seen again for another nine long months.  Summer, during childhood, represents days of boundless freedom, with the realities of school far from young minds, but as everyone knows, all good things eventually come to an end.


Reality slips in quietly as newly packaged pencils waiting to be sharpened and notebooks full of blank pages yearning for newly discovered knowledge begin making their ways to store shelves.  As backpacks with favorites superheroes, the latest musical sensation or video game characters are carefully selected, excitement for the upcoming year begins to blossom.


Still, memories of summer’s fun activities are freshly seared in our mind’s eye and we wonder why the season can’t last just a little longer.  Fortunately for us shorts wearin’, tank top lovin’, sandal/flip flop adoring Texans, the warm temperatures that stay around until November mean we can stretch out our summer wardrobes for just a few months longer.


Summer’s end also means HELLO FOOTBALL SEASON!!!  We Texans are famous for our football passions so that first kick off provides a soothing salve to the wounds inflicted by summer’s disappearance.  The excitement of football is plentifully ranging from city league to junior high, to high school, to college, to pro!


At our house, Saturdays during football season mean traveling all over Texas to watch our son play, definitely a reason to welcome summer’s end.  Watching that boy play football, something he absolutely loves to do, brings with it an immense joy.  Accompanying football seasons is the band, the drill team and the flag corps performances along with University Interscholastic League competitions.


As tan lines fade and bikinis/swimming trunks are packed away, Fall’s cool, crisp temperatures usher in favorite hoodies, knee high riding boots and calf length sweaters.  As ice cream sundaes, sliced watermelon, and outdoor barbecues cease to be priorities, homemade chili, apple pie and family gatherings take precedence.


An added bonus to summer’s end; as temperatures drop, thermostats rise, electric bills decrease and wallets everywhere shout for joy!  A joyous wallet often means more opportunities for shopping or saving, depending on your perspective.


As summer disappears making way for fall, don’t be sad at what has ended, rejoice instead at the new adventures that lie ahead.


Until Next Time,



Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

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