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Night Hawk Frozen Foods Joins Fight Against Hunger

Night Hawk Frozen Foods (Buda, TX) has been an avid supporter of Hays County Food Bank since November of 2013. Altogether, they have donated nearly 10,000 pounds of food to the food insecure of Hays County. In addition to donating food, Night Hawk also supports the food bank financially. For the third straight year, they are the title sponsor for the food bank’s annual Turkeys Tackling Hunger campaign.


 Hays County Food Bank volunteers building boxes for the 9th annual “Turkeys Tackling Hunger” holiday meal deliveries.

Through Turkeys Tackling Hunger, Hays County Food Bank fundraises alongside community members in order to provide needy households with a holiday meal that they can prepare and make memories with at home.


Each household is given a frozen turkey and items like pumpkin, yams, green beans, corn, stuffing, and boxed mashed potatoes. These holiday meal boxes provide nourishment and create a sense of empowerment by allowing recipients to take charge of their own holiday experience.


In November, the staff of Night Hawk Frozen Foods will join together at their facilities to construct the 2016 holiday meal boxes. Scott and Leanne Logan, owners of the company, will even be behind the assembly line building boxes. In 2015, Night Hawk helped Hays County Food Bank build over 3,100 boxes, which were given to nearly 11,000 individuals in the county.  The number of holiday meals is projected to be even higher this year.


When the whole community works together to tackle hunger, we can truly make a difference! If you would like to become a sponsor for the 10th annual Turkeys Tackling Hunger campaign, please contact Ashley Hurst at (512) 392-8300 x230 or by email at ahurst@haysfoodbank.org.

In 2015, The Hays County Food Bank and its 20+ partner agencies distributed 690,397 pounds of food to an average of nearly 12,000 food insecure residents a month. The population served included senior citizens, children, and many others facing economic challenges.  “Food insecurity” refers to the availability of food and one’s access to it.  The Food Bank is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the public to perform its mission.  For more information, please visit haysfoodbank.org or visit us on Facebook or Twitter at @HaysFoodBank.

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