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Texas State To Plant ‘Bobcat Trees’ In Celebration Of Arbor Day

Texas State has been recognized by the Arbor Foundation as a Tree Campus USA since 2011. The Arbor Day event will help the university maintain its designation.


SAN MARCOS – Texas State University will celebrate this year’s Arbor Day on Friday, November 18, by planting almost two dozen trees on campus.

The Arbor Day event will take place at 10 a.m. next to the P14 parking lot, which is located off Aquarena Springs Drive, behind the Korner Stop store and the power station.

In total, 21 trees will be planted. The species selected for this year are pecan, dogwood, smoketree and Texas redbud. The trees will be planted, in part, to replace trees removed from campus for various reasons.

Texas State has been recognized by the Arbor Foundation as a Tree Campus USA since 2011. The Arbor Day event will help the university maintain its designation.

The first 100 participants to sign in and assist with planting will receive their choice of a commemorative T-shirt, water bottle or flashlight.

For more information, contact Carolyn Holesovsky at ch26@txstate.edu


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