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Living Outside the Lines: “Renting a Room at the Hotel California”

By, Becky J Miller

When my kids were younger they watched Disney channel’s, “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”. 

The show focused primarily on the misadventures of the junior-high-aged twins; however, some of their antics were a direct result of their residing in a hotel.  I’m sure I never sat still for an entire episode, but I do recall thinking life in a hotel suite might be fun.  I was wrong.  Very. Wrong.

February 5, we left our home in San Marcos to make a temporary home in a Beeville hotel.  We knew hotel living would present its challenges, but we also expected the discomfort to last only thirty days.  Well, as you may have guessed, we are still in the hotel with no exact relocation date on the horizon.

There is good news. While our surroundings are nowhere near the 5 Star accommodations of Zack and Cody, we do have a modest suite.  Our room is similar to a small apartment. It has a complete kitchen equipped with a full sized refrigerator, stove, dishwasher and dinette. 

There is a living area with a small couch, wing-backed chair, and coffee table. It also has a covered patio that includes an outdoor table and two chairs.

I know.  Some of you are probably shaking your heads and thinking, “What is she complaining about?” 

Well, when you are accustomed to three bedrooms, two and a half baths and the almost 31 years of possessions that space holds, a hotel suite only slightly larger than a two car garage is quite an adjustment.  Which provides a perfect segue into another subject, storage space.

Initially, I brought only about ten different outfits, but with each trip to San Marcos, more clothes have made their way into our hotel suite.  What?? I do work five days a week, plus running, church, and fun. 

Surely no one expects that, gasp, I should regularly recycle five outfits??  Oh dear.  Is it not bad enough that I’ve given up my home? Must I also sacrifice my sense of fashion??  Certainly not!

And then there are the shoes.  I tried. Honestly, I did, to minimalize my shoes.  Although no shoe census was taken, I am certain half of my shoes are in our storage sheds.  Well, okay, perhaps I’m using a bit of poetic license here, maybe not half, but I promise I did put some of my shoes in storage. 

The rest are divided into three areas; the hotel bedroom closet, a tall stack next to the living area television and another wide stack beside the patio door.

Come on y’all, it’s Texas!!  This means rain Monday, snow Tuesday and sunburns on Wednesday!  My wardrobe storage issues would be slightly less challenging if Texas was home to four predictable seasons, but it is not.  One cannot fault me for being fully prepared, right??

It may not be the Hotel California either, but it does feel like we will never leave.  Yeah sure, there is a cleaning service, but we only use them once a week.  And frankly, I was mortified the one day there were a few dirty plates and glasses in the sink that the cleaning lady washed for us.  There is also a free continental breakfast, but since breakfast for us usually consists of a protein shake and a banana, we’ve only eaten the hotel food once. 

Taking advantage of the pool would be fabulous, but even when the outside temperatures hit the high 80’s, the pool water still hovers around 60 degrees.  I tried to swim today, but I could not make it past my knees.  The water was just too cold and since there’s no diving board, & the pool is only 5 feet deep, it’s hard to jump in all at once.

Our daughter is graciously caring for our dog right now, but she leaves for Cuba in mid-April.  At that time, not only will Bailey have to return to our care, but the temporary care of our daughter’s dog will transfer to us as well.  Hopefully, the Night Man will get reprogrammed soon and actually let us leave!

Between now and then, if anyone knows the secret to checking out and actually leaving the Hotel California, please, by all means, let us know.  Otherwise, well, I cannot promise what any future articles may hold.

Until Next Time,


Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.

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One Comment

  1. So sucky that y’all r still in the hotel. April is approaching fast!!! Praying everything will work out for the dogs and y’all and Britt.
    Miss u lots. Everything will come together soon!!

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