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Living Outside The Lines – “That College Life”

In the six weeks, I’ve worked on a college campus, I have experienced more than my fair share of “all you can do is walk away shaking your head” moments.

by, Becky J Miller

“Millennials” sometimes referred to as Generation Y are an interesting bunch. Demographers usually use the early 1980’s as starting birth years and the mid-1990’s to early 2000’s as ending birth years to identify individuals fitting into this category.

According to Wikipedia, millennial characteristics may vary by region. However, the generation may usually be identified by an increased use and familiarity with digital technology and media. They may exhibit a more liberal approach to politics and economics. Millennials have historically high levels of unemployment among the younger generation leading to concerns regarding long-term economic impact.

Not only have I birthed three Millennials; I work on a college campus, so my exposure to them is constant. Sometimes I can do little more than look around, shake my head, and wonder what our future holds. Certainly, as with any people group, not everyone fits the “typical”, but boy the ones that do, what else can I say?

In the six weeks, I’ve worked on a college campus, I have experienced more than my fair share of “all you can do is walk away shaking your head” moments. Let me share a few.  Please keep in mind; I am old enough to have birthed most of the students. I’ve yet to see any non-traditional enrollees, although I am told they exist.

The second week on campus and I FINALLY find the sub (cafeteria). I desperately want ice for my water. Walking in, woman on a mission, a handful of students are lounging quietly on the couches. All is silent until I break the threshold then suddenly some guy yells out, “Yo! You!”  I just keep walking. I only want cold water.  #mindyourbusiness

The campus has a mile and a half track. Normally I run in the early mornings, but one particular day I set out after work, arriving at the same time as a student. I run, lapping him several times as he walks. We finish our workouts simultaneously, each heading for our respective vehicle. 

Mine was parked further away. His truck pulls up and slows just am I was opening my car door.  He stops, “Did you just complete three laps in an hour?” “No, I ran four laps, equal to six miles.” “Wow, something to strive for.”  Again, minding my own business.  #leavemealone

Today the affronts happened twice. Leaving for lunch I hear, “Hey, White Girl” called out three times. There are two females in the area; me white, the other black. 

I just keep walking, ignoring the offensive yelling. Arriving at my car, I am forced to turn, spying three black males heading my direction.  Had I responded “Hey, Black Boy” that would’ve been considered extremely offensive, but it was okay for them to holler at me in that manner?  #oldenoughtobeyourmomma

Later in the afternoon, the Business Technician is out to lunch so responsibility for assisting students at the Business Office window falls to me. The bells dings, I walk out of my office with a smile and the warm greeting, “May I help you?” 

Mr. Student says, “Is there anyone here?” Seriously?? All sorts of tart, unprofessional retorts run though my brain, fortunately I am able to school my mouth.

However, my face offers the Death Stare, the one interpreted, “Are you kidding me? I’m standing right here in front of you. What, am I an apparition?”  #whatisyourproblem

Life on a college campus is interesting, to say the least. I suppose I should extend my sincere gratitude to these particular students for providing column worthy fodder. 

Nah, the students may have provided the behaviors, but I am the creative genius behind the keyboard. At least that’s what I like to tell myself anyhow.

Until Next Time,

Becky ~ Warrior Princess


Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.

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  1. Bet you didn’t think you could have this much fun with this new career did ya? Thanks for making me smile at 4:00 AM this morning!

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