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Letter To The Editor: Capes Dam

The main reasons I am deeply concerned is because it is well known to the community that removing Capes Dam will have a significant effect on the recreational activities in the area.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter because as a native citizen of San Marcos I have grown great concern of the removal of Capes Dam.

The main reasons I am deeply concerned is because it is well known to the community that removing Capes Dam will have a significant effect on the recreational activities in the area.

This will also affect veterans in our area that are seeking therapy through kayaking, removal of the dam will significantly lower water levels in the area of the river and make it impossible for our veterans to use the river as another source for rehabilitation.

Other groups that we support in the community may also be affected by the removal of the Dam. Texas Rehabilitation is one of those groups that will have a major affect if the Dam is removed because they have several programs that assist disabled veterans, and various other youth groups that visit San Marcos Dam as a training area.

We just kindly ask that you that you please do not remove Capes Dam and see all of the positive things that Capes Dam has provided our community and also please consider how Capes Dam has also been a healing source for the men and women whom have served our country.

Thank you for taking a moment to reading my letter.


Wesley James Doss 


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