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Community Action, Inc. Of Central Texas Receives Over $118,000 For Breast Cancer Program

Community Action, Inc. Of Central Texas Receives Over $118,000 For Breast Cancer Program
Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas (CAI) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded $118,228 in grant funding from Susan G. Komen® Austin for its Breast Cancer Navigation Program. The program serves uninsured and underinsured women in Hays, Caldwell, Bastrop and Williamson counties. It provides breast cancer outreach and education, screening and diagnostic services, patient navigation to diagnosed women going through breast cancer treatment and transportation assistance to cancer related appointments. CAI’s Breast Cancer Navigation Program has been funded by Komen Austin since 2004.
“CAI’s Breast Cancer Navigation Team is honored to serve the women of Hays, Caldwell, Bastrop and Williamson Counties,” said Lydia Perez, the program director. “Last grant year, 384 Central Texas women received essential breast health services and cancer support as a direct result of funds from Susan G. Komen® Austin. CAI looks forward to continuing its impact in the community through the new grant funds.”
About Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas
Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas (CAI) is a community based not for profit that has been in continuous operation since 1965. Since then it has grown into a large integrated health, education and human services agency that provides a number of services across ten counties in the rural capital area. CAI has four main areas of operation: Health Services, Adult Education, Head Start & Early Head Start and Community Services. For more information about CAI, please visit our website at: www.communityaction.com or visit us on facebook.
About Susan G. Komen® Austin
Saving lives locally. Fighting breast cancer globally.
Susan G. Komen® Austin is an Austin-based nonprofit committed to saving lives locally and fighting breast cancer globally. Komen Austin is the only local breast cancer organization attacking the disease on all fronts – education, screening, treatment, follow-up care, survivorship support, advocacy and research. The organization serves the women and men in the city’s five-county area battling breast cancer by removing barriers to care for the uninsured and underinsured. Of the funds raised annually, Komen Austin invests up to 75 percent into local community health care grants and educational initiatives; the remaining 25 percent is invested into global research to find the cures for breast cancer.

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