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After 46 years, Rivas Retires From Gary Job Corps

“When I first started it was all male. In 1975, females arrived and I was the counselor of the female dormitory… that was a learning experience.”

Juan Rivas started working at Gary Job Corps 46 years ago in 1971, after a tour of duty in the United States Air Force.

Over the 46 years, Juan has held the position of Counselor, Residential Advisor, Senior Counselor, Residential Manager and Outreach & Admissions Counselor.

Pictured: Juan Rivas receiving an Appreciation Service Award with his wife, Elida “Ellie” Rivas and Lonnie Hall, Gary Job Corps’ Center Director.

Rivas, a 1975 graduate of Texas State University (Southwest Texas State University).

He shared with the audience his time at Gary Job Corps, “when I first started it was all male. In 1975, females arrived and I was the counselor of the female dormitory… that was a learning experience.”

While reminiscing he stated, “it has always been a very fulfilling job;  I always felt like I was making a difference. It is still here (Gary Job Corps) and it will continue because of the need of what we do every day for the youth of Texas.”

Juan and his wife, Elida “Ellie” Rivas plan to visit the Isle of Capri in Italy during his retirement.

Juan expressed his pleasure of working with the “best staff” and having the pleasure of watching the staff and students he trained over the years, flourish and even surpass him.

Juan enjoyed passing along his knowledge and showed pride on how many management staff he had a hand in their success.

The Gary Job Corps acknowledged they won’t forget him and his dedication to our youth.


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