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Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center Hosting Their 31st Annual Auction

Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center Hosting Their 31st Annual Auction
On Saturday, April 18th the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center will host their 31st Annual Auction. The silent and live auctions will be held in the LBJ Student Center ballroom on the Texas State University campus beginning at 6:00 p.m. Free parking provided.
You can spend a relaxing night out in San Marcos! Enjoy delicious BBQ, browse through the many wonderful auctions items, (trips, jewelry, artwork, gift certificates, collectables and much, much more) and mingle with your friends, all for a $35 admission. Cash bar available.
This year HCWC is honoring Elva Gonzalez, Director of Programs and Services, for 35 years of dedicated service to victims of abuse. Elva began her HCWC career in 1979 at the tender age of 19. Her first position was that of bookkeeper but she very quickly found her passion and began providing direct services to clients. In honor of those very different times and Elva’s lifelong commitment to ending violence in our community this year’s Auction theme is “Party like it’s 1979!”
Last year over 300 community members attended the 30th Annual Auction to help raise over $89,000 in funding for HCWC. These funds are vital in providing direct services to victims of family violence, sexual assault and child abuse in our area.
In its 37 years of service, the Hays Caldwell Women’s Center has helped over 29,000 people in Hays and Caldwell counties, as our community continues to grow, the need for our services increases as well. We would not be able to respond to these increasing needs without the caring support of individual and business community members.
Check out these links if you would like more information on event, tickets, donation of auction items, and sponsorship opportunities.

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