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42nd Street Auditions! 2015 Summer Music Theatre Boot Camp Production

Posted by Staff

If you like to dance, this is your show!  Aspiring performers 8-16yrs are now being seen.

Camp dates are June 8-28th at the Price Center in San Marcos.  Auditions by appointment

starting next week.  


Songs from the show include “Lullaby of Broadway,” “We’re in the Money,” “42nd Street,” “You’re Getting to Be A Habit with Me” and others.



This is a show about a Broadway show.  Lots of leading roles for both girls

and guys with comedic flair.  Small town girl PEGGY SAWYER, fresh off the

train in New York makes her way to the auditions for the new Broadway musical

being cast.  After catching the attention of the male star of the show, she lands

an audition.  But the chorus has already been cast and the big time director,

JULIAN MARSH rudely dismisses her.  Meanwhile, the star of the show, DOROTHY

BROCK arrives and takes over- much to the frustration of Julian, the composers,

MAGGIE and BERT, the dance director ANDY and the stage manager MAC.

In tears Peggy has run off but has left her purse on the piano.  Maggie and the show

girls, ANNIE, LORRAINE and PHYLLIS find her and encourage her to come back

and try again.


And she finally gets her chance to dazzle the director and get into the chorus!

After impressing everyone with her talent she blows it when she stumbles and causes

the star to sprain her ankle!  In a rage, Dorothy gets her fired and has a fit when she

finds her boyfriend PAT comforting her.  The producer, a big Texas oil man and millionaire

is in love with Dorothy and will no longer finance the show if she isn’t the star.  Without her

the show will be forced to close and everyone is out of a job.


The dancers convince Julian that only Peggy has the talent to step in and take over for

Dorothy but Peggy is already at the train station to go back home.  Quickly they find her

and Julian and the cast convince her to return.  Finally, she agrees and even Dorothy

welcomes her with encouragement.  And a new star is born on 42nd Street!


A feel good classic Broadway musical, 42nd Street was originally directed by Gower

Champion in the 1930s.  The costumes are glam, the dialogue witty and the dancing is

captivating.  The whole cast will learn to tap dance!


Call now to get your audition scheduled!





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