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Welcome 2015 & To Our Dynamic Changes

By, Melissa Jewett, Publisher

Please allow us to take this opportunity to thank all of our readers, advertisers, and vendors for sticking with us.  We promise it’s only going to get better, as you will see some changes and enhancements to our content and site over the coming months.


I am excited to announce that we have some dynamic new staff members that will be joining our team in the next few weeks. 


As a business, your staff can make you or break you. I have always tried to build teams with different experience, abilities and knowledge, then proceed with the premise if you treat your team good, they will help to not only make you look better, but you will truly have a better organization because of it. 

Additionally, you will be seeing more original content, along with more content from myself, with a combination of multiple different articles and interviews currently in the works. The interviews will be conversations – not your typical everyday interview. Being someone who doesn’t come with a journalism background, I want these interviews to be poignant and interesting for our readers, furthermore I don’t want to lose the meaningful dialog of personal conversations. Often one on one interviews result in loss of opinions, in favor of predetermined content value, or responses written out of context because its easier to stick with normal. 


Going into 2015, we will continue to strive to make SM Corridor News your most most popular and trusted local news source.


From our staff to you and yours, we wish everyone a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!     MJ

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