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Living Outside The Lines: “Pizza, Pizza”

I’m also certain the words, “I don’t feel like eating pizza tonight,” have never exited my lips. 

by, Becky j Miller

Americans purchase approximately 3 billions pizzas annually!!!  The earliest version of pizza was eaten in ancient Greece and Rome, a flatbread topped with oil and herbs. 

Pizza as we know it, topped with tomato sauce and cheese made it’s debut in New York City in 1905.  However it was not until after soldiers returned home following WWII singing the praises of pizza they’d eaten while abroad, that it became an almost overnight favorite.  

Although I cannot recall the moment we were formally introduced, I’m sure pizza has been one of my favorite foods since forever.  I’m confident I could eat it hmmm, five nights a week??  Okay, maybe three.  I’m also certain the words, “I don’t feel like eating pizza tonight,” have never exited my lips. 

Seriously, pizza is just so delicious, and there are so many choices from the crust to the toppings, it’s almost overwhelming.  There’s thin crust, thick crust, hand-tossed crust, stuffed crust, veggie lovers, meat lovers, pepperoni, sausage, hamburger, Canadian bacon, bell peppers, onions, black olives, mushrooms, and extra cheese.  The list is darn near exhaustive!!! 

Pizza in the U.S. is a $38 billion dollar industry!! I take great comfort in knowing that many Americans share my pizza addiction!  As a matter of fact, my brother recently visited Kenya, and while he was there, care to guess what he asked for?  Yep.  Pizza!! 

Not passing judgment or anything, but normally when I travel, I like to sample the local fare.  Apparently my brother does not share my local cuisine ideology.  That’s okay; I love him in spite of his palate. 

In the United States alone, pizza is a $38 billion dollar industry.  According to mentalfloss.com, in 2014 the top ten pizza chains and their annual sales were:

  1. Pizza Hut $12,900,000,000
  2. Domino’s $8,000,000,000
  3. Papa John’s $3,000,000,000
  4. Little Caesar’s $2,900,000,000
  5. Papa Murphy’s $785,630,000
  6. California Pizza Kitchen $739,000,000
  7. Sbarro $600,000,000
  8. CiCi’s $475,000,000 
  9. Chuck E. Cheese $405,000,000
  10. Round Table Pizza $378,000,000

That’s a lot of yeast, cheese and tomato sauce!!!  Having tried 9 of the 10 chains on the list, I would concur with Pizza Hut holding the number one slot although I might rearrange the rest of the list just a tad. 

How Papa Murphy’s holds the number 5 spot eludes me.  Their pizza is decent, but it costs as much as Pizza Hut, Domino’s or Papa John’s and you have to cook it yourself??  I truly don’t understand the chain’s success???

However, do not be fooled into believing the top ten grossing chains actually mean they make the best tasting pizza in the nation.  When it comes to scrumptious pizza, my hat is off to the local mom and pops along with smaller regional chains.  My favorite pizza places of all time are Bambi’s, New York Pizza Pub and Craigo’s, probably not eateries most people have frequented.

Bambi’s Pizza was a little hole in the wall located on Dorchester Avenue across the road from Charleston Air Force Base in South Carolina.  Sitting right outside the main gate of the base, it was easily accessible for the pre-driving teenagers who lived in base housing.  As I recall the pizza was great, but perhaps the memories of good times spent with friends have influenced my taste bud memories.   

My vote for favorite slice usually goes along the lines of “the greasier the better”. I mean if you’re going to indulge, you might as well make it count, right??  New York Pizza Pub located in New Braunfels definitely fits the bill!!  It’s greasy, but not in a “make your tummy ache” type of way, just in a “more deliciousness please” manner. 

Both our boys played football for San Marcos High School and whenever their games were away against either New Braunfels or Canyon High Schools, we always went early enough to stop for dinner at New York Pizza Pub.  The only comparable pizza is Craigo’s with several Austin locations.

Craigo’s edges out New York Pizza pub by just a hair.  It was so disappointing when the San Marcos location closed, as that was one of our favorite Sunday lunch, Friday night date, or Saturday out spots. 

Beeville has no such delicious pizza eateries, and if there are any to be found in Corpus Christi or Victoria, I’ve yet to discover them.  Instead I just drown my sorrows in a not really comparable slice from Pizza Hut. 

So, to everyone who lives in Austin or New Braunfels, please go dine in my honor. 

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller

“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.

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