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Governor Abbott Statement On Passage Of Senate Early Education Bills

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement following the passage of several of his priority early education initiatives in the Texas Senate.
Senate Bill 925 (Sen. Kolkhorst), Senate Bill 934 (Sen. Kolkhorst) and Senate Bill 935 (Sen. Kolkhorst) seek to establish Literary Achievement Academies to improve the professional development of teachers in literacy, Math Achievement Academies to train K-3 teachers in numeracy instruction and technology, and Reading Excellence Teams to improve student learning in critical learning years, respectively.
“I applaud the Texas Senate for recognizing the importance of providing our teachers with the tools necessary to improve numeracy and literacy instruction and ensuring students are receiving the highest quality education possible in critical early years,” said Governor Greg Abbott. “Today’s vote is an important first step toward transforming the foundation of our state’s early education system for generations to come, and I look forward to signing this legislation into law.”

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