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Hays County Commissioners Will Talk Budget, Tax Rate, Matching Funds For Upper San Marcos Dam System Project

Hays County Commissioners providing matching funds for the Upper San Marcos Dam System Project, authorizing payment to CTMC of $900,000 related to Indigent health care costs, and discussing the proposed budget and tax rate…

NOTE: The following items may NOT be a full accounting of items of this week’s agenda. To view the full agenda, please see below.

Hays County Commissioners providing matching funds for the Upper San Marcos Dam System Project, authorizing payment to CTMC of $900,000 related to Indigent health care costs, and discussing the proposed budget and tax rate… and a myriad of of important items.



                                  Map Courtesy of Texas Parks & Wildlife

ITEM 13. Authorize provision of matching funds for the Emergency Watershed Protection Program Grant that was awarded by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board for the auxiliary spillway repair and control measures for the Upper San Marcos Dam System Project. To learn more about the Upper San Marcos Dam System Project visit https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail /tx/newsroom/stories/?cid=nrcseprd428616

ITEM 14. Discussion and possible action to approve Advance Funding Agreement Amendment No. 3 between Hays County and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the Hays County-TxDOT Partnership Program and authorize the execution of Amendment No. 3 on behalf of Hays County. 

Amending the AFA for these two projects will allow TxDOT to initiate the environmental documentation for the FM 150 West Alignment Study project and move forward through the project development process and to complete the necessary approvals and construction funding authorization for the I-35/Posey Road project, which is anticipated to be let for construction by TxDOT in early Fiscal Year 2018.

ITEM 19. Discussion and possible action to authorize the execution of a Letter of Agreement between Hays County and Central Texas Medical Center (CTMC) and authorize the payment of $900,000 related to Indigent health care costs.

ITEM 22. Discussion and possible action to acknowledge and ratify the signature of the County Judge to accept a grant award from the Texas Veterans Commission – Fund for Veterans Assistance in the amount of $100,000.00 for Hays County Veterans Treatment Court operations, as well as approve the proposed changes to the grant elements associated with this award, and amend the budget accordingly. 

ITEM 27. Discussion and possible action to vote on a proposed budget and tax rate for Fiscal Year 2018 and schedule public hearings.

ITEM 28. 10:00 a.m.Budget Workshop regarding the FY 2018 Hays County Budget. Possible action may follow.

Hays County Commissioners Regular Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 9 AM

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Hays-County-Commissioners-Court-Meeting-Agenda-Tuesday-8-22-2017.pdf”]


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