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Health and Nutrition: Vitamin C and Meditation

(Photo By: Sierra King)




Vitamin C

Vitamin C rich foods have been found to reduce your risk of a stroke. Foods like Oranges, strawberries, Kiwi and other foods rich in Vitamin C. A recent study in Taste for Life Magazine said participants who have had a hemorrhagic stroke had depleted amounts of Vitamin C. They found little amount in their blood while a normal level of Vitamin C was found in those who had not had a heart attack.

Results concluded Vitamin C deficiency increases your chance on having some type of stroke.
Source:“ Can citrus ward off your risk of stroke” American academy of Neurology, Taste for Life Magazine.


The Power of Mediation

Studies have concluded that the practice of meditation helps ease mind, body and spirit bringing beneficial effects to the many people who have learned to practice it. Healing the mind and body will help lower your risk of disease; the mind can control the body’s performance.

Tips on how to mediate:

1. Find a comfortable position.

2. Once comfortable, picture a bright light radiating to your head from the heavens.

3. Visualize that light bringing gratitude and compassion into you then spread it starting from your room and slowly out to your town, state, country then world.

4. Give gratitude for 5 things (Ex. Family, food, friends, a pay raise etc).

5. Forgive someone who has done you wrong.

6. Visualize yourself in three years.

7. Map out how you will go about your day.

8. Final: Receive a blessing from the heavens.

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