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Most Popular Halloween Candy State-by-State

It’s expected that $2.7 billion (with a B) will be spent on trick-or-treat candy this year. We figure if you’re spending that much, you might as well get it right. To help you choose the right candy for your area, we put some data together and made this map of the Most Popular Halloween Candy by state.

Source: CandyStore.com.

Actually, it shows the top 3 most popular Halloween candies in each state. You might be surprised to find out that the top Halloween candies in your state are not what you thought they were. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

For over 10 years, we’ve been sending tons of bulk candy around the country. As the preeminent bulk candy dealers we are, we’ve got a lot of candy sales data to comb through. Including some we recently shipped to New York…

Hoda and Kathy Lee loved our map!

We took 10 years of sales data (2007-2016), looking in particular at the months leading up to Halloween. We sell to all 50 states – plus Canada – so we broke down our sales by state. We also have relationships with major candy manufacturers and distributors – all of whom contributed and helped us verify that our data is on point.

On this analysis, we were able to ascertain the best sellers in every state for Halloween. And we present it to you here in the above lovely HTML5 interactive ninja-style map of the most popular Halloween candy.

The National Retail Federation estimates that shoppers will spend $2.7 billion on Halloween candy this year. Industry research has shown that, in 2015, online candy sales increased by 15 percent. People are realizing they can save time and money by skipping the store and purchasing from the comfort of their home. But will you buy the right candy?


Texas’s most popular Halloween candy has changed this year.  It’s no surprise in the Lone Star state that Starbursts have made it to the #1 spot. Almost 2,000,000 pounds of Starburst are consumed in Texas around Halloween. Last year’s winner, Reese’s cups, retain the #2 spot. Texans can proudly stock up on Starbursts for trick-or-treaters, but might be best to offer them more than a lone starburst!

So, what candy do people in your area like? If you get the wrong thing, the consequences could be dire. Streaming TP from your tree limbs, anyone. Ok hopefully kids in your neighborhood wouldn’t do that. But the adults might :|

Curious about which candies other states loved? Check out the original blog with all the states favorite candies here. You Might Like This Too

Ranking of Best and WORST Halloween Candies – A Definitive List


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