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Arborists Conducting Tree Maintenance Downtown This Week

“Shade trees in urban environments benefit from pruning in the fall and winter months because trees are not as stressed, it’s not as hot, and the trees are entering dormancy,” said City of San Marcos Urban Forester Kelly Eby.

A local tree care company will perform maintenance on downtown trees this week and remove one that is diseased and poses a public safety concern.


Bartlett Tree Experts will prune the trees and use an air spade to perform root flare excavations. Some parking spaces downtown may be blocked off for parts of the day to keep cars away from work areas.


A chinkapin oak on Guadalupe Street midway between Hopkins and San Antonio Street will be removed.


“Shade trees in urban environments benefit from pruning in the fall and winter months because trees are not as stressed, it’s not as hot, and the trees are entering dormancy,” said City of San Marcos Urban Forester Kelly Eby. “Pruning mature trees requires an understanding of proper pruning techniques, timing, and tree biology.”


For more information about pruning mature trees, visit www.treesaregood.org. For questions about the downtown tree maintenance work, call 512.393.8400.


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