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A Note Of Gratitude At Thanksgiving From Corridor News

The scent of freshly baked pumpkin pie and sweet potatoes fills your nose. Young voices sound outside while the football is tossed around and the crowd cheers from the professional game of the tube.

Another year has come and gone; the turkeys are stuffed. The dressing made. The gravy is on a low heat.

Here at the San Marcos Corridor News, we are thankful for our wonderful team without whom we would not be able to bring you your local news.

We’re thankful for our advertisers who chose to market their business with us and to you, our readers, who give us the opportunity every day to be your source for news about what’s happening in Hays County.

But most importantly, we’re thankful for our readers, who continue to challenge and support us every year.

San Marcos is home to a diverse and wonderful community of people, and we are proud and happy to be a part of and serve it into the future.

Happy Thanksgiving From Our Family To Yours!


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