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SMHS Students Test Statistical Learning At The Bowling Lanes


Thanks to the generosity of Sunset Bowling Lanes and an educational grant provided by A+ Federal Credit Union, San Marcos High School students in the AP Psychology and AP Statistics classes were able to participate in a co-curricular learning activity on Friday, February 6, 2015. According to teacher-sponsors Jackie Norman and Ray Holland, the students worked together to collect data for a research project on the use of the non-dominant hand – for two sample hypothesis testing.


Prior to bowling at the Sunset Lanes, students had learned how to collect, record, and analyze statistical data. AP/Psychology teacher Norman said that the students used the data to “support or refute the null hypothesis.” During the bowling activity, the students collected and recorded their findings for later analysis.


Holland, the Calculus/Statistics/Pre-Calculus teacher said, “Doing statistics for real events helps to make the topic make more sense for students.”


The A+FCU grant helped pay for the transportation to and from the site.

Submitted by SMCISD – Photos by Jackie Norman & Ray Holland; Lead Photo; Gena’ve Sandoval checks data and inside story photo;  story photo; data collected in real time by one of the students.

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