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Broaddus: Preparing Feasibility Study For Meadows Center & Spring Lake

Broaddus Planning is preparing a Feasibility Study for The Meadows Center and Spring Lake site at Texas State University, which focuses on enhancing the visitor experience improvements. As a vital part of the university, improved visitor facilities at The Meadows Center will bring together university academic departments, researchers, and students as well as divers, school children and the San Marcos community. 


The project includes an assessment of existing conditions and prior planning studies, understanding the relationship of The Meadows Center with the other welcome/entry points to the university, the establishment of constraints and potential opportunities, and exploration of feasibility for potential visitor experience improvements.  Broaddus Planning is working in close cooperation with Texas State and The Meadows Center representatives along with community stakeholders in the creation of this study, which marks the first step along the path of achieving The Meadows Center vision for enhancing its visitor experience and improving connections to the rest of the campus. The study was funded by a generous donation from the Hoblitzelle Foundation.

Click HERE to view the project website.  


About Broaddus:

The Broaddus Companies are a collective of firms that provide leadership on all phases of a project from conception to completion. Since our founding, we have fostered multiple corporate affiliates in the areas of project management, planning, finance, design and construction. Today, our companies have grown to a professional staff working from 10 regional offices across the country.


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