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Got Leaves? Donate Them To Bobcat Blend

The City of San Marcos Resource Recovery program and Texas State University’s Bobcat Blend Composting program are offering San Marcos residents a way to divert leaves from the landfill.

The City of San Marcos Resource Recovery program and Texas State University’s Bobcat Blend Composting program are offering San Marcos residents a way to divert leaves from the landfill.

Bobcat Blend is collecting leaves at the parking lot of the Grant Harris Building at 401 E Hopkins.  Leaves and grass clippings can be brought in trash bags or paper bags and deposited in the cage trailer.

Leaves should be free of trash or other non-biodegradable materials.  Large branches should not be included since the program does not have a means to grind up large branches.  The leaves will be used by the program to make compost.  The trailer will be in place from Dec. 20, 2017- Jan. 13, 2018.

The next monthly brush drop off will be Jan. 13, 2018.  Residents can bring all yard waste, including large branches and stumps, to 750 River Road from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For more information on Bobcat Blend, contact Dr. Tina Marie (Waliczek) Cade at tc10@txstate.edu  or at 512.245.3324; or Amy Kirwin, Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager, at akirwin@sanmarcostx.gov  or at 512.393.8419.


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