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New Year, New Career: Tips To Help You Prepare

That’s why, as 2017 has drawn to a close, it’s a good idea to invest some time polishing your resume or revising your long-term goals…

For many people, the first quarter of the New Year is a popular time to transition into a new job. That’s why, as 2017 has drawn to a close, it’s a good idea to invest some time polishing your resume or revising your long-term goals.

Here are a few tips to help you be as prepared as possible for any career opportunities that may come your way in 2018.

Refresh your social media profiles
Make sure your online presence is updated and aligned with your current career objectives. Update your profile photos and spruce up any headlines or bios to clearly express your personal brand.

Update your resume
Get a head start on perfecting your resume, instead of waiting until it’s needed and then making rushed edits. Thoughtfully adjust your resume to highlight skills and experience that are relevant to your future goals and cast you in a positive light.

Plan for your future
Where do you want to see yourself in 2018? The holiday season is a great time to reflect on what’s most important to you and to redefine your career priorities accordingly. Get proactive and outline steps to reach your target.

Boost your digital skills
Digital tools are getting increasingly sophisticated—in order to stay competitive, it’s crucial that your data proficiency grows as the technology does. Developing these skills will help improve your efficiency in all areas of business.

Connect with people
This season is the perfect time to strengthen your relationships and make an effort to meet new people. Prepare a brief description of your qualifications and aspirations for any social events and other networking opportunities.

Source: Department of Veterans Affairs


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