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Six Easy Holiday Resolutions To Throw Away Less Stuff

Whether we try to save money, lose weight, or quit certain habits, one habit worth breaking is throwing away items that can be reused or recycled.

Since holiday celebrations and the New Year are rapidly approaching, most of us make an effort to keep a New Year’s resolution or two. Whether we try to save money, lose weight, or quit certain habits, one habit worth breaking is throwing away items that can be reused or recycled.

Every year, landfills take on more and more things we no longer want or need. In fact, in 2015, Texans added about 33.5 million tons of stuff to them. That’s more than six-and-a-half pounds of trash per Texan per day! And at this rate, we only have enough landfill space to last another 56 years.


Use and reuse gift bags, since most gift wrap is difficult to recycle.

Serve meals on reusable plates with cloth napkins. Compost food scrapes.

Buy only products you need, and use up products before throwing them out. Buy products made from or packaged in recycled materials.

Choose rechargeable batteries, which can be recharged up to 1000 times. When they no longer hols a charge, recycle them.

Purchase refurbished electronics. Old electronics can be sold or donated or recycled.

Opt out of unwanted catalogs and other junk mail. Recycle junk mail you still receive. Reuse holiday cards in craft products.

Source: Take Care of Texas







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