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Living Outside The Lines: Close Encounters Of The Bovine Kind

The state has more cattle than 43 other states have people. Not only does Texas hold a majority of the nation’s cattle, but it also holds the world’s 14th largest cattle inventory…

Becky J Miller | Exclusive to Corridor News

Welcome to Texas y’all, home to the most farm, cattle and beef cows in the United States. Texas has more acres of farmland than 48 states have acres. Texas is home to more than 248,000 farms. Twelve percent of the nation’s cattle are found in Texas. The state has more cattle than 43 other states have people. Not only does Texas hold a majority of the nation’s cattle, but it also holds the world’s 14th largest cattle inventory.

Still not convinced that cattle is big business in Texas? Did you know that farms and ranches qualify for a special Texas state sales tax exemption on products used in the production of agriculture and livestock? A state government sanctioned 8.25% savings on the purchase of tangible personal property seems like a big deal to me.

So, you may be asking yourself, “Why does she care about cows??” Bear with me and I’ll tell you. And I promise, it won’t be anything you saw coming. Unless of course owning eight pairs of cowboy boots qualifies me to be a country girl, but I make no claim of that sort. I was not raised on a farm, or anywhere near livestock. I’m the daughter of a retired Air Force loadmaster who grew up in military housing, hanging out near the flight line.

Here’s the deep dark secret; I just like cows! Don’t judge me, I think their big solemn eyes and somber faces are, well, pretty. What I really like about being a runner in Texas are the herds of cattle grazing in the fields as I make my way across the miles. One of my favorite things about Saturday morning runs is coming upon a group of cattle grazing close to the fence line then waving, and calling out greetings as I pass by. I know, in some of your minds, I have just crossed the line to absolutely certifiable. And, that’s okay, I won’t stop saying “good morning” to cows, it makes me happy.

Want to know what’s really fun, when there are baby calves in the crowd. The adults usually just stop mid chew, stand absolutely still and watch me as I pass by. They probably think I’m certifiable too. The babies though, they like to play! Most of the time, the calves will frolic and dance about as I run by; some of them even run with me. Seriously, it’s true, no poetic license here, you can ask my husband because he’s witnessed the phenomenon. The baby calves will run the fence line with me until they either get bored, tired, or Momma moos her warning that they’ve ventured too far.

My favorite cows are the red-haired Hereford, and the Italian breed Piedmontese. Why do I like them? Because they are the prettiest, of course! Even though this column is primarily about cows, I do occasionally run across horses gallivanting in the fields too. They are equally as fun, and being non-discriminatory, I happily wave and holler my greetings to them as well. And just like cows, the adult horses normally just stop and stare while the younger fillies and ponies run along with me.

Lest you think me completely daft though, I do have a healthy respect for livestock, after all by the time a calf is eight or nine months old it already weighs a hefty 700+ pounds, and the Mommas weigh about 1350 pounds. Compared to my, well much less than that weight, I know full well how much hurt an errant cow could inflict. And let’s not forget about Daddy. The lyrics to Tim McGraw’s, Down on the Farm, “Don’t mess with the bull, he can get real mean” often runs through my mind as I pass by a herd.

Nonetheless, I know it’s completely silly to talk to cows, but as my good friend lovingly says, “they’re your peeps”, and on solo ten mile runs when they are the only ones out, saying hello always makes me smile and puts a bit more pep in my step.

So, next time you pass a herd of cows, hopefully you’ll think of “Becky the Cow Whisperer” and it’ll bring a smile to your face, or maybe even evoke a chuckle.

Until Next Time,
Becky J Miller
“Warrior Princess”

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.


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