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Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing Hosts Salute To Veterans And D-Day Memorial

“The Commemorative Air Force mission is to maintain these historic aircraft in flying condition as a living tribute to those who fought and died for our freedom,” said Central Texas Wing Leader Joe Enzminger.

The Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing, based in San Marcos, Texas, will host a Salute to Veterans and D-Day Memorial on June 6th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

The event, marking the 74th anniversary of the D-Day Invasion of France in 1944, will feature That’s All, Brother, the aircraft that led the D-Day invasion, which is now based in San Marcos, TX after an extensive restoration to its condition on June 6th, 1944.

The event will also mark the official launch of the Commemorative Air Force’s effort to return That’s All, Brother to Normandy for the 75th anniversary of D-Day in 2019.

“The Commemorative Air Force mission is to maintain these historic aircraft in flying condition as a living tribute to those who fought and died for our freedom,” said Central Texas Wing Leader Joe Enzminger. “The story of That’s All, Brother’s contribution to the war, is rediscovery, rebirth, and planned return to Europe is in keeping with our mission to honor our veterans and ensure the memory of what they did in 1944 is never lost.”

The event is open to the public. The Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing Hangar is located on the San Marcos Regional Airport.


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