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Living Outside The Lines: Traveling the Southbound Highway

Living in the middle of Texas where one can drive for hours without leaving the state, she finds it very strange to start the day in Mississippi, pass through Alabama, and Georgia, ending up in Tennessee all within an eight-hour day…

Becky J Miller | Exclusive to Corridor News

At 6 a.m. Saturday morning, Neon Trees’ “Sleeping With A Friend” shatters the peaceful silence. Groaning, she rolls over, burrows deeper in the covers and wonders why, oh why anyone in their right mind travels three hours from home and rises before the chickens to run a 5K.

Then smiling, she remembers a long leisurely lunch the day before with former pastors and still good friends whom she hadn’t seen in almost two years. That lunch was made possible thanks to the race location, which just so happened to be held practically in her friends’ backyard. Well, not quite, but close enough.

Race completed, showers are taken, fresh clothes donned, suitcases packed, truck loaded and navigation system set for Meridian, Mississippi, the first major stop on their southbound highway. Her husband argues that navigationally speaking, they are headed northeast. Never mind what he says, her heart says south and that’s all that matters.

Before she even leaves Texas, her heart knows something about this trip is different. Perhaps it is the green trees of East Texas that remind her of home. Just a few short hours outside of Houston lies the Louisiana state line. A stop for a Cajun style lunch is definitely on the agenda. She loves seafood, any kind, and he is partial to crawfish etouffee’. Trip Advisor helps find great food off of the beaten path.

With satiated bellies, they load up and head for Mississippi, the designated half way stopping point. Normal road trip behavior dictates she burrow her head in a book or magazine, but not this trip. The scenery is far too beautiful, and she doesn’t want to miss a minute. No reading, or naps this trip, her eyes remain glued on the beauty that lies before her.

The hotel breakfast offerings the next morning, which include grits, make it easy to ascertain their travels have taken them closer to her roots. Living in the middle of Texas where one can drive for hours without leaving the state, she finds it very strange to start the day in Mississippi, pass through Alabama, and Georgia, ending up in Tennessee all within an eight-hour day.

A BBQ lunch stop in Chattanooga, Tennessee where they serve real green beans, the kind with actual ham hocks, homemade mayonnaise based potato salad, sweet tea from an empty milk jug, fresh banana pudding and HAM makes her Southern heart perform a happy dance. The food was so good, her Clemson Tiger self was willing to overlook all of the Roll Tide memorabilia hanging on the walls.

The Southbound Highway for this trip ends in the Smoky Mountains of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Adventure awaits! Plans for the days include hiking in the mountains, hanging out with an old high school friend from South Carolina, and meeting up with former military friends from Italy, plus maybe a visit to Krispy Kreme doughnuts and some Baskin Robbins ice cream, both of which taste better in the South.

This Carolina Girl loves her adopted home of Texas, but boy is she sure glad to be back near her roots!

Until Next Time,
Becky J. Miller
“Warrior Princess’

Becky J Miller is a contributor and is exclusive to SM Corridor News. You can read more of Becky’s columns in Lifestyle.


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