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KTSW-FM 89.9 Partners With Campus Organizations To Raise Funds For Apartment Fire Victims

Its mission is to curate music, events and content that connects to the San Marcos community while serving as an educational workshop for Texas State University students…

KTSW-FM 89.9, the official radio station of Texas State University partners with S.C.O.P.E. and The University Star to present a benefit concert show to aid the victims of the Iconic Village apartment fire that took place on July 20.           

The event takes place at the Texas State United Campus Ministry event on August 1st and is free to the public. It will feature local band performances, donated art, food and resources for the victims.

All proceeds made will go directly to those affected by the fire and the families of the deceased.

To learn more about the benefit show, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/270963087014505/?notif_t=plan_user_associated&notif_id=1532613069422474.

Chartered by Texas State University’s School of Mass Communication and Journalism, KTSW-FM 89.9 is the official college radio station of Texas State University.

Its mission is to curate music, events and content that connects to the San Marcos community while serving as an educational workshop for Texas State University students.

In 2017, KTSW-FM 89.9 celebrated its 25th anniversary. For more information, please visit ktsw.txstate.edu or email ktswpr@txstate.edu.


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