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Gary Job Corps Security Cadet Joins Navy; Center Showcases Welding Project

“We are very proud of our graduates as they go on with their lives, continuing education, gaining employment, or joining the military,” said Director Patti Lankford.

Gary Job Corps Security Cadet Jessinea Johnson Joins The U.S. Navy

Gary Job Corps Security Cadet Jessinea Johnson joins the US Navy as a Gunners Mate leaving in January 2019 for the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 

Gary Job Corps Center Director Patti Lankford commented, “We are very proud of our graduates as they go on with their lives, continuing education, gaining employment, or joining the military. Job Corps has been around for over 50 years, training many young people as they join the workforce.”   

Pictured are Navy Recruiter UT2 Brandon McCown, Gary Job Corps Center Director Patty Lankford, Security Cadet Jessicina Johnson, also pictured are Gary Military Liaison Jo Gayle Wright, Security Instructors, Eugene Edokpa, Evelyn Hernandez, Scott Oshan, Sean Schultz, Lauren Stevens, and Gary Job Corps Security Cadets.

Gary Job Corps Welding Class Showcase Project

The Gary Job Corps Welding trainees wanted to do something to showcase the welding department and the Gary Center by constructing an artistic symbol cut from 3/8 inch plate steel that puts in the skills that welding trainees need to know for employment which is measurements, fabrication, fitting, plasma and welding processes.

Welding is among the many vocations available for the young people to study in addition to acquiring a GED, high school diploma, and driver license. 

The Gary Center trains over 1400 students daily on its 800 acre campus for the Department of Labor administered by ResCare.

Pictured are Jaqueline Cruz Garcia, left front, and  Hayden Q. Burden, right front, are the students working on the project and  list of students that are in the picture with Welding instructor Grace Hernandez, trainees,  John Aguilar Jr., Anthony Allen, Daniel Alejandro Cintron, Luis Velasquez Barrera, Joshua Flores, Johnmichael Bass,  Choya Allen, Paul Hernandez, Sarah Winefeldt, Kenyon Boyd,  Hayden Burden. 

For further information concerning enrolling at the Gary Job Corps call:  512-396-6966.  Job Corps works for Communities, Employers, Tax-payers, and the Youth of Texas.


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