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Wanted: Animal Lovers Needed Due To Recent Shelter Demand

The month of July has brought more than 1,400 animals through the doors of the already crowded Austin Animal Center, causing the shelter to waive adoption fees for the fourth…

The month of July has brought more than 1,400 animals through the doors of the already crowded Austin Animal Center, causing the shelter to waive adoption fees for the fourth weekend in a row.

The shelter is pleading for the community’s help this weekend. Adoption fees for all animals currently living at the shelter are waived beginning Friday, July 27 through Sunday, July 29. Regular adoption fees are $75 and include all age-appropriate vaccinations, microchip and ID tag.

With no empty kennels available, dogs and cats of all sizes are housed in pop up and outdoor crates, normally only for temporary use.

If you are unable to adopt but able to open your home to foster a shelter animal, visit the AAC website at www.austinanimalcenter.org/fosterpets to sign up.

Every animal who leaves the shelter this weekend, makes room for another animal in need of help.


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