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Letter To The Editor: Concerns From A Neighbor Of Hays County Commissioner Precinct 4 Candidate

I believe this encounter, along with some odd interactions on our neighborhood Facebook page, exposes enough reason to be extremely concerned about how he would represent of the people of Hays County….


In July, I had the displeasure of meeting Omar Baca, candidate for Hays County Commissioner (Precinct 4).

During a community event for the subdivision we live in, that was organized by Mr. Baca, I volunteered to work a fundraising booth for Wallace Middle School’s Athletics Boosters. The experience left me very concerned about the possibility of Mr. Baca becoming a representative for our community.

Mr. Baca had negotiated a “premium spot” to have the Boosters at the event, that is where the trouble began. When I showed up to set up for the neighborhood-wide event, I discovered that Mr. Baca had already set up in all the “premium spots.” He informed me that I would have to move and became unreasonably aggressive, insulting, and even threatening.

I later discovered that he had also called the head of the Boosters organization to berate and threaten her over the situation.

The final insult in this experience was discovering that rather than donate the cash proceeds for the community birthday event to charity in the name of our community, as he promised to do, Mr Baca appears to have made in kind donations to the charity in his own name and posted images from the event on his personal campaign website!

I believe this encounter, along with some odd interactions on our neighborhood Facebook page, exposes enough reason to be extremely concerned about how he would represent of the people of Hays County. If elected, Mr. Baca would have influence on a budget of $455,400,000.

This man has made distasteful jokes on social media about the misfortune of others with the excuse of being “emotionally a 12-years-old.”

My personal encounter aside, I am unable to find any information that indicates Mr. Baca is qualified to fill the office.

I would ask that the citizens of Hays County look seriously into Mr. Baca’s lack of qualifications and representation of himself in public before they put him in a position to represent them.

Mr. C. Ray
Hays County Citizen


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