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KSMB, HCP To Host Second Annual Fall River Cleanup

“These are just a few of the areas in San Marcos that collect and transport litter to the San Marcos River, but the cleanups make a big difference for quality of river habitat,” said Melani Howard, Habitat Conservation Plan Manager. 

eep San Marcos Beautiful and the Habitat Conservation Plan seek volunteers for the Second Annual Fall River Cleanup on Saturday, Oct. 6.

“The cleanup last year was a huge success, and the support from volunteers to continue the event has been outstanding,” said Amy Kirwin, Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager.

Volunteers arrive at 8:30 a.m. at the City Park Rec Hall (170 Charles Austin) to sign in, receive a shirt, and enjoy free breakfast tacos. To sign up early, visit https://bit.ly/2oXLU5d.

Cleanup areas will include: San Marcos River from City Park to Stokes Park; Purgatory Creek; Willow Creek; Downtown; and drainage ditches along Hopkins, Charles Austin, and Hwy 123. Cleanup areas will be assigned at registration.

“These are just a few of the areas in San Marcos that collect and transport litter to the San Marcos River, but the cleanups make a big difference for quality of river habitat,” said Melani Howard, Habitat Conservation Plan Manager. 

Volunteers are asked to wear close-toed shoes. All other supplies will be provided. Lunch will be provided for volunteers starting at 11:30 a.m.

For more information or to sponsor the event, contact Amy Kirwin at akirwin@sanmarcostx.gov.


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