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Kyle Police Department: Remembering Officer Fernando Solis

“We have many unanswered questions,” Barnett said. “But what we need right now is to come together as a family to help, to listen, to heal, and to keep moving forward to serve the residents of Kyle.”

Our hearts are heavy today.” The tragic news about Officer Fernando Solis came around 6 p.m. last evening. San Marcos Police Department contacted Kyle PD regarding the death of one of our officers who was off duty.

Losing a co-worker and fellow law enforcement officer is akin to losing a family member, regardless of the circumstances. In this case, Officer Solis died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

San Marcos police are investigating the case and we leave that in their capable hands. We wanted to remember Solis in more personal, human terms.

Born in 1990, Solis graduated from Hays High School in 2008. He worked at H-E-B for several years before enlisting in the military.

Solis served in the U.S. Marine Corps as a Motor Vehicle Operator from 2011 to 2015 when he was honorably discharged. His last assignment had him stationed at Camp Pendleton in California; he was part of the Light Armor Reconnaissance Battalion. During his service, he earned the Good Conduct Medal.

Solis was hired by Kyle Police Department in February 2017 and went into the police academy several months after that. He has been an active KPD officer since December 2017. He had two young sons, ages 2 and 6.

KPD employees remember Solis as a good officer, always with a smile and cracking jokes.

“Solis will be fondly remembered by KPD staff,” Chief Jeff Barnett said. “His tragic death leaves a hole in our family.”

Because of the nature of Solis’s death, it can be difficult to discuss.

“We have many unanswered questions,” Barnett said. “But what we need right now is to come together as a family to help, to listen, to heal, and to keep moving forward to serve the residents of Kyle.”

Barnett said all city staff has access to the Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team; our Victim Services Coordinator is one of the CISM co-founders.

The department also has a Chaplain Program where KPD staff can talk with a member of the clergy who operate the all-volunteer program. In addition, the City of Kyle has an Employee Assistance Program free to the entire staff.

 “We know this is a difficult time for Solis’s family and his work family,” Barnett said. “All staff should take time to reflect on what happened and talk with a counselor or member of the clergy if they desire.”

Barnett said he has seen an outpouring of positivity from the local community and area law enforcement agencies.

“Kyle PD is grateful to all the individuals and agencies that reached out during this difficult time with their condolences and offers of support,” he said. “It means a lot to all of us.”

He added that all city employees extend their sincere condolences to the Solis family.

“We are grateful for the time that Fernando was able to be part of the family of brothers and sisters in blue,” Barnett said. “Our family will be here for your family.”


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