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Letter To The Editor: Cape’s Dam Historical Landmark Designation

As the only dam and mill of that bygone era still in existence along the San Marcos River, I believe it is vital that they be preserved as historical landmarks in order to provide future generations…

I am writing in support of Cape’s Dam and its accompanying mill remnants of San Marcos being designated as a historical landmark. These 151-year-old historic structures are an integral part of our city’s heritage and culture, having contributed to local industry, recreation and development over the many years since they were originally constructed. 

As the only dam and mill of that bygone era still in existence along the San Marcos River, I believe it is vital that they be preserved as historical landmarks in order to provide future generations with a connection to, and appreciation of, our city’s history, along with the associated opportunities to enjoy the many benefits of these distinctive geographic adaptations.

The unique crib dam construction of Cape’s Dam allows for water to flow through it while also creating a back channel along what is known as the Mill Race. The channel walls help to stabilize the concrete mill wall, which helps to better preserve this historic site.

Additionally, the waters of the channel produce a gently meandering flow of water conducive to the protection of various plant and animal species, while it also contributes to significant recreational and therapeutic use by San Marcans and our visitors.

The Mill Race and the swimming hole beneath the waterfall that flows from the mill wall are a local favorite, particularly for citizens living east of the highway, who seek a tranquil and cooling respite from the summer heat and modern rat-race. Time spent along this diverted stretch of river connects us to not only the history of San Marcos, but also hearkens to mind those who inhabited the area long ago.

Of note is the Mill Race’s considerable therapeutic value to Wounded Warriors and others with physical limitations, who are able to enjoy and navigate this portion of the river without having to struggle against stronger currents. Preservation of the Mill Race, as a consequence of the Cape’s Dam and mill’s designation as a historical landmark (and hopeful restoration), will stand as a testament to our city’s commitment to include all of our local citizens and visitors alike as part of our cherished culture and heritage, regardless of anyone’s physical abilities or limitations.

With these considerations among others in mind, I urge all members of the San Marcos Historical Commission to affirm the merits for designating Cape’s Dam and mill as a historical landmark.

In keeping with this, I believe restoring Cape’s Dam and preserving the accompanying mill and Mill Race should be set as a priority, in order that the area may eventually be considered for placement in the National Register of Historic Places befitting of such a site. This would serve to enhance San Marcos’ legacy of centering daily life around its living waters while being the best little city in America.

Caroline Weaver
San Marcos Resident


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