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City Charter Amendment Results Are In

By Exsar Arguello

In the midst of the city council election for Place 5 and 6, San Marcos citizens had the chance to vote on two proposed city charter amendments—and they were both approved.

A total of 1,814 San Martians voted for Proposition 1, which will add an amendment to the city charter that prohibits the addition of fluoride into the municipal water supply.

Only 1,173 people voted against the proposition, meaning the amendment eradicating the implementation of fluoride into the city water supply was only approved by 641 votes.

The second proposition on the ballot was a city charter amendment requiring the verification of signatures on any petition in order for the document to be considered valid. Proposition 2 garnered 1,565 votes and was approved by 55.2 percent of the votes.

This article originally published in the University Star

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