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Letter To The Editor, From Congressman Lamar Smith

Dear friend,

In observation of Veterans Day this November, we honor all the veterans, past and present, who have served our country and defended our nation’s freedoms. America is a stronger country today because of the sacrifices our veterans have made. The debt that we owe our brave servicemen and women can never fully be repaid.

Our commitment to our men and women in uniform should be more than a symbolic gesture. I have supported and the House of Representatives has passed numerous bills in the 114th Congress to uphold our promises to our veterans. These bills that increase accountability at the VA, provide jobs for servicemen and servicewomen, and ensure that all veterans receive the benefits and care they deserve.

Our commitment to our veterans is not something to remember only one day a year, but a commitment which lasts a lifetime. The 21st Congressional District is home to over 60,000 veterans, current members of the military and their families. If my office can ever be of assistance with questions or concerns regarding veterans’ benefits, please contact my San Antonio, Austin or Kerrville District Offices. We stand ready to assist you.

Thank you for your service. 



Lamar Smith
Member of Congress

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